Design and Management of CSR initiatives

As part of our business and knowledge process outsourcing offering, and beyond project management and back office support services, EHI International’s teams work with public and private organisations to initiate, develop and advance corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies to strengthen their partnerships and networks with civil society organisations, and at the same time fostering their accreditation.

Areas of Specialisation
- Strategic Planning
- Organisational Analysis and Development
- NGO and Community Based Organization (CBO) Strengthening, Networking, Accreditation
- Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Design and Management
Our Vision
To be a Leading Multi-dimensional Resource Organisation Partnering in Transformation with Client Organisations to Provide Turnkey Solutions in Healthcare, for the Public, Private and Voluntary Sectors
Our Mission
To Improve Quality and Accessibility of Health Services by Bringing High Quality Expertise, Technology and Experience into Partnerships with Client Organisations to achieve Sustainable, Cost-effective and Customised solutions, thus transforming them to always be leaders.
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