
EHI International combines vast client experience with deep expertise in design, planning, project management, large scale surveys, research, policy, systems and capacity development for organizations and health care providers in private and public sectors seeking to improve access to affordable quality healthcare for individuals and communities throughout India and other parts of the developing world. Closely working with all our clients, we develop their capacities while developing effective and sustainable solutions together for their success.

As EHI International we have developed and sharpened our competencies assuming a leadership role in professional health consulting and management through successful execution of more than 120 projects and more than 5 projects currently under implementation for client organizations such as Registrar General of India, National Building Construction Corporation, Uttar Pradesh Project, International Finance Corporation, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services, Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Govt. of India), DFID, World Bank, GTZ, EC, KfW, UNICEF, UNOPS, MOPAN, OXFAM, CIDA, Aga Khan Health Services, The Commonwealth Secretariat and several State Government Health Departments such as Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal, West Bengal, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Gujarat besides several private healthcare providers such as International Hospital Corporation, Manipal Group, Peerless Group, SPS , JIS, KPC Medical Collage and Hospital, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital.
Our Vision
To be a Leading Multi-dimensional Resource Organisation Partnering in Transformation with Client Organisations to Provide Turnkey Solutions in Healthcare, for the Public, Private and Voluntary Sectors
Our Mission
To Improve Quality and Accessibility of Health Services by Bringing High Quality Expertise, Technology and Experience into Partnerships with Client Organisations to achieve Sustainable, Cost-effective and Customised solutions, thus transforming them to always be leaders.
View all our tenders issued.