How We Execute

Every assignment is a fresh challenge to use tested methods while innovating to produce viable solutions together with client teams; building on past experience to spark off outstanding results for our clients.
Our method of work follows a logical flow that is structured in well-defined stages. Personnel from client organisations actively participate in all these stages so that there is complete ownership of mutually agreed processes. Key issues and measurable outputs are identified at the outset and after analysing these, joint project teams undertake tasks having pre-agreed and measurable indicators.
Our experts conduct regular joint reviews with our clients’ management teams using measurable indicators.
In whatever we do, certain core principles remain our guiding light:
Partnering with Clients to Produce Sustainable Solutions: Closely working with all our clients, we build team capacities and together arrive at effective and sustainable solutions.
Evidence Based: Evidence provides the foundation of each assignment, building innovative solutions, striving towards clients’ vision with knowledge and confidence.
Teams to Match Challenges: Each assignment challenge requires a team that is tailor-made for the task. We jointly create such teams with our clients, drawing from our unmatched resource pool of national and international expertise.
Holistic Approach: An understanding of each client’s needs and aspirations inspires us to take a holistic approach to find solutions that are well integrated and, therefore, sustainable.
Strong Backstopping: Each assignment receives strong backstopping support from our core team of experts, each with over 30 years of experience. This provides necessary mentoring and stability to the programme teams efforts and results in delightful outcome for our clients.
Our broad range of services includes: Assisting client organisations to develop policies, programmes and plans; review existing systems and develop and strengthen new management systems; prepare detailed project reports (DPRs) and Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs); manage entire programmes; innovate and implement urban health strategies; design and implement monitoring and evaluation plans and manage large scale surveys. Our services are also sought after to reorganise management structures, build capacities and health management systems for institutions and provide hands-on management support to get the new systems going.
Our Vision
To be a Leading Multi-dimensional Resource Organisation Partnering in Transformation with Client Organisations to Provide Turnkey Solutions in Healthcare, for the Public, Private and Voluntary Sectors
Our Mission
To Improve Quality and Accessibility of Health Services by Bringing High Quality Expertise, Technology and Experience into Partnerships with Client Organisations to achieve Sustainable, Cost-effective and Customised solutions, thus transforming them to always be leaders.
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